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One S. Church Street, Suite 200, Hazleton, PA 18201      
570.455.1508   570.454.7787    


CAN DO received an $83,750 grant from the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Rural Business Development grant program as part of the renovations to be completed at the CAN BE Innovation Center, an equal opportunity provider, located in the Valmont Industrial Park. More specifically, the grant proceeds will be used to purchase furniture, fixtures and equipment.

The renovations to the CAN BE Innovation Center are the first major renovations the facility has undergone since it opened in 2005 and since CAN BE’s rebranding in 2018. The project cost totals $190,288.

As a result of the grant, thirteen (13) small, start-up businesses, along with thirty-nine (39) full-time employees currently within the CAN BE Innovation Center, will benefit from having a more effective, efficient, and inspiring workspace.

CAN DO President and CEO Kevin O’Donnell said, “CAN DO is dedicated to supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs and to our continued efforts to grow the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Greater Hazleton. Small businesses are essential to the overall economic development initiatives in our area and we see how vital it was for our tenants to have a more modern facility to conduct business. These renovations are important to attracting new entrepreneurs to our innovation center and furthering the growth of businesses and jobs in Greater Hazleton.”

RBDG is a competitive grant designed to support targeted technical assistance, training, and other activities leading to the development or expansion of small and emerging private businesses in rural areas.

For more information on the CAN BE Innovation Center and its services, contact CAN DO Director of Economic Development Jocelyn Sterenchock at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 570-455-1508.